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SALMON : the amazing fish - (english version)

oleh: Ahmad Muzaqqi

Salmons are one of some wonderful fish’s kinds. It has a great navigation system and precious mission in their life. But, before we talk about that, we must know Salmon’s life circle. A Salmon usually lives together with the others in a river. When the mother (Salmon’s mom) puts off her eggs, Salmon’s life circle is started. After some days, Salmon’s babies will be born, they just eat from a sticky egg pocket with their stomach. And when the pocket is exhausted, they could hunt for meal.
After the babies grow up, may be about one year, they will swim to the ocean. I don’t know why they do it, but, it is their life way. With a amazing system navigation that is given by our God, Allah SWT, Salmons can swim to the ocean without lose their way, and surprisingly, Salmon’s body can adapted with ocean water that is briny water.
Salmons across the ocean about four month, from Pacific ocean, Atlantic ocean, and the others. After across the ocean, they will go back to the river where they were born, so they must choose the right river.
This is look impossible, here, the question is how Salmons can choose the true river, whereas in their journey, they find and pass many branch.
But, The Almighty God, Allah SWT gives Salmons a systematic sensor and navigator, that is nature compass which connected with earth-magnet. So, they will never lose in their journey, although they are in the vast expanse of ocean.
Salmon’s body is also completed with sharp-smelling that can helps them to find a river which they look for. If they find a river that has familiar smell, they will choose it.
But, can Salmons do their mission just with the two things?. Because an other problem is how Salmons can pass the waterfall that is too tall for a fish as small as Salmon.
Allah SWT also gives a great skill for Salmons, they can jump over the waterfall, even in statistic, the Salmon can jump up to three meters, so wonderful, a fish that has size less than one meter can jump as high as that.
There is an evidence about salmon’s skill, one case, in a fish husbandry on America, 1962 the husbandry maintains some Salmon in a pond. But after two years, on 1964, Salmons are back, whereas the way that is passed by them is so steep. Imagine that Salmons must swim about five kilometers before they confront first branch. Then, they must swim against the stream to second branch, third branch, and more. Not seldom, they pass some waterfalls, and some bears which hunt their. But, they keep swiming untill find their river where they are born. The problem is not After that, they must jump in to canal break a canal’s wire lid that is blocked their till in the pond. But, amazingly, a Salmon can do it, but, its friends are still in the canal
After Salmons are in their river, in some time, they put off the eggs, and from here, Salmon’s life circle will be started again.

(martikel ini merupakan artikel bahasa Inggris yang telah lulus dari koreksi dewan guru "MA YASPIA")

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