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Fenomenologi (English version)


Many tragedy occur, from national until international, about war, terror and boom. Just for example, many boom’s terror was done in US, exactly on September 1998 and many euro-nation’s ambassador in the world was been the victim. Don’t be to far, we can find the seem event in Solo, Bali, even in some artist’s place, like Ahmad Dhani, Aura Kasih, Julia Perez etc.
More cruel, no mercy. May be it’s their real basic understanding. But, proudly they shout out name of “God”, although I can say that their “God” is just illusion and illumination. It will be more ironist when the symbol and the look of this group are identical with a religion’s symbol. Most of them bring the Islamic symbols, we can look at their styles, expressions, and videos which called jihad’s video by them. We can look at some subjects, like Amrozi, Imam Samudera, Ali Ghufron, etc who was killed by the law execution, their appearance is like a Moslem leader or the Imam.
Many people think, is it Islam?, terror?, war?, cruel?
I as a Moslem refusing this questions surely. The Islam is a religion which bring the peace and will save the mankind from the wrong way to the truth -from the basic word is sallama mean safe, and was saved-. So, what’s wrong with this phenomena?
Many aspects and factors can affect this extreme habit. There is a mistake for understanding the revelation (read: Qur’an and Sunnah). Many revelation’s text was understood radically, for example in many text about jihad, war, and Rasulullah (Muhammad)’s history. The war and jihad concept are put down as a really simple thing, and the faster interpretation is about imitating  Muhammad’s habit -with the unbeliever- careless. The effect is so bad, some radical group come to attack and destroy the others who refuse their ideology arrogantly and cruelly.
The others reason is about external factors, and the greatest is the risk of government system. We saw many problems, economical, politic, education, even the moral. May be, the last will be the most important point for this radical tragedy. Just like many scandal and status, the radicalism groups judge that the government can’t handle this part, and the facts are many prostitution place uncontrollable and uncountable (if the illegal was counted), many pornography’s file in the media -like TV or Internet-, and even many porno-action was unable anywhere anytime. The fact, it’s the first reason of Ali Ghufron and friends doing the terror-action in Bali on 2002, because many people know that there are many “liberal” place in Bali where you can express your will, dream, and propensity, like ML, CI, druging, etc.[1] So, why we can directly judge them? Blame and coming down on them?
If we as the Moslem’s community and the country’s society do this way to depend and press their development, I think it’s useless. They have a strong understanding and agreement for their action, and they will keep it anymore, although with their soul. We can know, they was too long and too far for having this ideology. Even many of them make a private video about the faith of the way they choose and surely say “I’m ready go to paradise, for the God!!!”. Yes, it mean that the religion will be everything for them and they will give and do everything to keep it. But, many of us don’t see their way of thinking and the reasons cause the all, we only look at the tragedy, the radically action, and the others until Islam’s image won’t be safeness.
From this area, we need a way named phenomenology, where we must learn and understand an event with many point of views. Because “we can’t find anything, if we just see something for once and one side”, and we know there is a philosophical master say like that in the “Hikmah [2] explanation. Moreover, we face something like this which too confused and need more studying (learning, understanding, and applying). The simple analogy, if we watch a football match on the TV or internet, there is no goal for a half time the first or on the contrary occur many goals there, and the team formation is 4-4-2, in the next half time the couch will use and apply a new strategy, may be to upgrade the attack of his team, he can change the formation became 4-3-3, or if he want to be full-defending, he can change his defender or the others.
Whereas, the application can be practiced is learning and seeing deeper than before to understand the radicalism group’s “culture”. The first, we can give an education about nations and country, government, and secularism[3] for our student with using the information and communication technology through many medias. A sample, the government make a curriculum for all of school and university where nationalism education will be the obligatory. This education was so important, because it will give an guidance and more specific things about the nations. So, It can press and lessen ideology-“reinstall” (like an hypnotist) action for the student which was done by some radicalism’s person to invite for joining.
And then, the second important is about looking at the real situation in the world generally, and in Indonesia[4] specially where indirectly one terrorist’s reason was right. We try to understand them. We should see ourselves the first if want to change the world.[5] It’s about our government system damage, specially in the moral division. From here, many things can be applied by our government. The one is lessening and pressing the “bad” (like a gambling, drunk, etc) place’s quantity, we can make a special place for all of “bad” activities. But, the most important is the applying of rule of law. We need “reform” our mentality, specially for the state employee persons. Maximize the rule is one we don’t have yet. And we must try, search, and do it.
It’s one way to solve radicalism practice, It will work, if we work.

Written by:
Ahmad Muzaqqi
Student of Islamic State University of Walisongo Semarang

[1] ML mean making love, CI mean ceck-in, and druging mean some action where the subjects use and consume the drugs together, just like a community.
[2] Hikmah” in Greek is sophia; one of the basic word of philosophy (philo and sophia) and the mean is wisdom. It’s Poedjawijatna(1974)’s argument, written in the book of Filsafat Umum, Ahmad Tafsir, 2000:page 9.
[3] Scularism term usually is used for a nations. It is one paradigm/ideology where a country locked out between government and religion.
[4] As we know, many tragedy (terror-action) and subject (terrorist) can be found in Indonesia, Doctor Azhari, Ali Ghufron and friends, Dul Matin, etc.
[5] This statement was told by Mr. Hasim Muhammad, the 3rd Dean of Theology Faculty IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

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